Who hasn’t wondered when finding themselves in for a long wait at the end of a queue at their local post office how the service could be improved? Newvision develops hardware and software systems geared towards better interaction between organisations, for which in-person service remains the main point of contact with the customer, and individuals. It provides interactive technologies as part of the face-to-face service given to customers.
The company’s INLINE ® solution, a queue management system, helps solve the problem of endless slow - moving queues and resulting client dissatisfaction. It combines self-service ticketing applications with call displays on plasma television panels that also include advertising or short films for the public whilst waiting for their turn.
“Our company started in 2000 with just ten people with a common vision and interest in attendance technologies” says CEO Paolo Costa. ”The partnership and investment of Albuquerque, the private equity fund, has meant that we were able to extend our market share to other countries around the globe”. Thanks to the CIP programme, Newvision was able to develop an integrated attendance system of over 2000 installed solutions that can be applied to sectors as diverse as human resources management, branch network management, client counting, multimedia terminals multi-use and corporate communication.
Company: Newvision, Lisbon
Type of business: Queue management and attendance systems
EU-supported investment through Albuquerque
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