Deputy Chief Executive


Roger Havenith is Deputy Chief Executive of the EIF since 1 January 2016.

The Chief Executive and the Deputy Chief Executive form the executive management of the EIF responsible for the EIF’s strategy and its day-to-day management. They jointly submit requests for approval to the EIF Board of Directors.

In his role as Deputy Chief Executive, Roger is supervising the risk management, compliance, financial control and middle/back-office services of EIF, ensuring the smooth running of processes that enable EIF to carry out its business.

He acts as main senior counterpart for the EU institutions, notably European Commission, Parliament and Court of Auditors. In this function, he also represents EIF in the discussions with EIB and EC on the next EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework and in the preparation of the next generation of financial instruments addressing EU policy priorities.

Previously, he was heading the EC’s DG ECFIN Unit L2 on financing of innovation, competitiveness and employment policies for more than five years. His long-standing professional career with the EC – which he joined in 1990 – includes several key roles: among others, he was a Commission negotiator and member of the EC team in charge of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) SME Window, as part of the Investment Plan for Europe. For several years he also led the EC’s Designated Service responsible for the negotiation, implementation and oversight of financial instruments under CIP, EPMF, MAP and other initiatives.

Roger Havenith has a B.A. in Business Administration from HEC St. Louis in Brussels (Belgium) and LL.M. in International and Comparative Law from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He also earned a postgraduate degree in European Studies from Institut d’Etudes européennes de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles and M.A. from Licencié-Interprète, Institut supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes.

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