
The evaluation function conducts independent evaluations of the EIB Group’s activities. It helps the EIB Group be accountable to its stakeholders and draw lessons on how to improve its work, thereby contributing to a culture of learning and evidence-based decision-making.

  • We assess the relevance and performance of EIB and EIF interventions, and identify what works and what doesn’t.
  • Our evaluations draw lessons and issue recommendations to support the EIB Group’s continuous improvement.
  • We promote accountability towards the EIB Group’s stakeholders and provide independent and credible evidence to inform decision-making.
  • As the evaluation function of the EIB Group, we also aim to promote evaluation as a public good in Europe and beyond.

The evaluation working group operates independently. Its reports are submitted without change and/or without delay, to the EIB and/or EIF Board(s) of Directors, after being discussed by the EIB Management Committee and/or the EIF Chief Executive.
The principles of the evaluation work conducted at Group level are:


We aim to ensure our evaluations are relevant, timely, and accessible to support organisational learning, decision-making and accountability.


Our evaluations are conducted according to internationally recognized good practices and quality standards, as reflected in the EIB Group Evaluation Policy.


Our institutional set up ensures our organisational and behavioural independence, freedom from outside interference, and avoidance of conflict of interest.


We interact continuously with stakeholders within and outside the EIB Group to ensure the information we collect is comprehensive and valid, that our findings are understood, and that our conclusions and recommendations are relevant, useful and timely.

The EIB Group evaluation function works in line with international principles and standards for evaluation, such as the OECD-DAC Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance and the Big Book on Evaluation Good Practice Standards issued by the Evaluation Cooperation Group, of which we are a member.


EIB Group Evaluation Policy

This document outlines the guiding principles and rules related to how the mechanisms work and what the complaints process entails from admission to final outcome.

The publications and further details are also available on the EIB website: 


Find out more

EIB Group Evaluation Activity Report 2021 and Work Programme 2022-2024


Evaluation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments 2021


EIF Research and Market Analysis reports including Impact Assessment


Contact for the independent evaluation function


Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant EIF.org pages.


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 European Investment Fund   – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.