Further information on the InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee

The Sustainability Guarantee Product is one of the six InvestEU portfolio guarantee products, dedicated to supporting the green and sustainable transition of small enterprises and citizens across the EU.

The eligibility criteria have been designed in the spirit of the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance and hence, this product is expected to contribute to the EU´s target to progressively reduce GHG emissions and transition to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The Sustainability Guarantee Product also supports accessibility investments.

Read the call for expression of interest: Guarantee products – calls for expression of interest (eif.org)

Use Case Document

The implementation of the Sustainability Guarantee Product should be made in accordance with the Use Case document – latest version as well as a history of updates published here below.  This outlines the relevant activities and associated requirements (e.g. in respect of energy savings) that make sustainable activities eligible for financing under InvestEU.

Use Case Document version 1.3 – published 08 July 2024

Use Case Document version 1.2 - published 27 December 2023

Use Case Document version 1.1 - published on 28 November 2022

Use Case Document version 1 - published on 22 June 2022

Financial Intermediaries having entered into a Individual (Counter-) Guarantee Agreement in respect of the Sustainability Guarantee Product shall refer exclusively to the version of the Use Case Document indicated in their Individual (Counter-) Guarantee Agreement.

Online support through the Sustainability Guarantee Tool

The EIF and the EIB Advisory Services launched the EIF InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee Tool in October 2022 to better support financial Intermediaries throughout the implementation of the product.

The primary functionalities of the tool are:

  • Assessment of eligibility criteria
  • Assessment of climate impact estimations
  • Transposition and guidance on the eligibility criteria
  • PDF/XLS document download option for reporting purposes

More information and resources

Green Gateway Webinar Series n.1: Climate change mitigation measures - Energy efficiency in buildings and industry (incl. ICT), held on 18 April 2024. Watch it here.

Green Gateway Webinar Series n.2: Climate change mitigation measures - Renewable energy and transport measures, held on 23 April 2024. Watch it here.

Sustainability Guarantee Webinar held on 13 October 2022 — Watch it here

Introductory video in the Sustainability Guarantee Tool

Frequently asked questions on the InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee – FAQ (PDF)

Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant EIF.org pages.


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 European Investment Fund   – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.